Here you will find a collection of guidelines, templates, procedures and policies to help keep children and young people safer in sport. They reflect the Standards for Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport and take account of current child wellbeing and protection guidance, practice and legislation.
They are for any club, sports governing body or organisation providing activities for children and young people under the age of 18.
CWPS Policies and procedures
Below is a collection of Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport policies and procedures which should be embedded in sports organisations to help keep children safe in sport:
- Develop a Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy
- Responding to Concerns Procedure
- Review of the Management of Concerns
- Develop Codes of Conduct
- Appoint a Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer
- Appointment Process
- Attend Relevant Training
- Introduction to Child Abuse
- Introduction to Child Wellbeing
- Relevant Legislation
- Useful Contacts
CMSS Policies and procedures
Below is a collection of Case Management Support Service policies and procedures which should be embedded in sports organisations to help keep children and adults safe in sport:
- Adult Wellbeing and Protection in Sport Policy and Procedures
- Guide to Undertaking Wellbeing and Protection Investigations
- Guide to Managing Disciplinary and Appeal Processes
Sports organisations can access these policies and procedures as editable word documents here.
Good practice guidance
Below is a collection of good practice guidance to address specific areas of child wellbeing and protection. These should be embedded by sports organisation to help keep children safe in sport.
- Clubhouses and Changing Rooms
- Collection by Parents and Carers
- Digital Communications and Social Media
- First Aid and the Treatment of Injuries
- Physical Contact
- Prevent and Respond to Bullying
- Partnership with Parents and Carers Form
- Sexual Activity and Underage Sexual Activity
- Transporting Children
- Trips Away
- Use of Photos and Video
Other resources
- Briefing: Position of Trust
- Leaflet: Stay Safe and Have Fun in Sport
- Poster: Stay Safe and Have Fun in Sport
- Social media guidelines for sports coaches, volunteers and athletes