A wholehearted commitment to keep the Promise.
With the anniversary of the publication of the Independent Care Review, known as ‘The Promise’ on 5th February, Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive Children 1st reiterated the charity’s wholehearted support for transformational change, saying:
“When The Promise was published, it sparked hope for Scotland’s children, young people and families, most especially those with experience of the care system. The Promise recognised that to give every child in Scotland the best chance of growing up safe, loved and well, families need access to preventative and protective emotional, practical and financial help and support. It also made it clear that significant transformational change is needed across Scotland to make this happen.
“This echoes the ambition Children 1st has been working towards since we were established in 1884 and we are determined to do all we can to make sure that the commitments laid out in The Promise are delivered.
“Right across the country, from the Fit Like? family wellbeing hubs in Aberdeen to Family Group Decision Making services, Children 1st are working tirelessly to keep children and families safe and together. We offer support without stigma or shame and build trusting and supportive relationships that children and families have made it clear they need and value.
“But there is still so much to do. Work to expand and invest in direct and whole family support needs to speed up and existing family support services should be free from the shadow of funding cuts. Hope alone cannot bring about change, so this is the year where warm words need to translate to decisive action to keep the Promise.”