Fundraising complaints
The Children First fundraising team welcomes and encourages feedback from supporters and donors.
When we have not met the standards expected by individuals or organisations, the charity will seek to address these concerns promptly and to the satisfaction of the party who has raised them.
Where an immediate resolution cannot be achieved for the individual or organisation Children First will seek to address the concern or issue as a ‘complaint’.
This guide makes clear the steps Children First will take to resolve a complaint.
Making a complaint
Complaints about any Children First fundraising activity can can be made in the following ways:
Email –
Telephone – 0345 10 80 111
Post – c/o Supporter Care Team
83 Whitehouse Loan
Website - Our Supporter Promise to you | Children First
Complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 5 working days by the relevant head of department.
Children First will begin by attempting to address and resolve any complaint informally. If this is not possible the complaint will be escalated by the head of department to the director of fundraising, marketing & communications, who will appoint an unconnected, senior member of staff to investigate.
Should the outcome of this investigation fail to resolve to complaint the individual or organisation concerned has the right to escalate it to the chief executive and or trustees of Children First.
The chief executive and or trustees will only consider a complaint if it has first been reviewed, investigated, and responded to by the director of fundraising, marketing & communications in the first instance.
What if the complaint remains unresolved?
In the circumstances where Children First and its CEO or trustees have been unable to resolve a complaint it will be sent to the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel.
Individuals or organisations can contact the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel in the following ways:
Email –
Telephone – 0808 164 2520
Post – Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel
c/o The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
2nd Floor Quadrant House
9 Riverside Drive
Website - Submit A Complaint – Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel (
The panel will decide if:
- The complaint is one they can look at
- The complaint is ready for them
- Whether there has been a breach of the fundraising regulator’s fundraising code of practice
- If a breach is found, the panel will provide advice to the charity
- If there has been a breach, what if any action is needed by Children First to address the problem
- Whether there are any regulatory matters, which should be referred to the Scottish charity regulator (OSCR) or in some cases the information commissioners office (ICO) where a breach of data protection is likely.
The panel will then make public recommendations.