Become a Safeguarder
Safeguarders provide an independent consideration of assessments and plans for children in the hearings system and they make their own recommendations about what they think is needed to achieve the best interests of children. This can play a key role in decision making by both Children’s Hearings and Sheriffs.
Legislation introduced this role into the Children’s Hearings System in Scotland in 1985. Further legislation in 2011 established a national Safeguarders Panel to which, since 24 June 2013, all Safeguarders are appointed by Scottish ministers. The national Panel is managed and operated by Children First on a contractual basis on behalf of Scottish ministers.
Any child or young person, who a Children’s Hearing or Sheriff decide should have a Safeguarder to safeguard their interests, will have a Safeguarder appointed to them from this national panel.
For more information about the Children’s Hearings System please visit:
Scottish Government - overview of the Children's Hearings System
Do you have a Safeguarder now?
If you are here because you have a Safeguarder now, then you may have a lot of questions and worries.
Recruitment to the national Safeguarders Panel is currently closed.
If you would like to note your interest in becoming a Safeguarder, please email with your name and email address or contact us via the form below. We will keep a record of your details and notify you of any future recruitment drives.