How to support children who have experienced online harm
Our research* shows that young people feel that professionals aren’t fully equipped to teach them about the risks and dangers that they can be exposed to online. Young people who had been harmed online also told us that they feel professionals didn’t know how to respond and support them appropriately.
What children and young people want professionals to know about online harm
Children and young people who have experienced online harm worked with Children First to produce this series of short animations for teachers, social workers and police to explain how they should respond if a child is harmed online.

We are very grateful to the young people who created these animations for sharing their experiences to help other children.
The animations were developed as part of the European Union funded ELPIS research project, which promotes excellence in international practice in responding to online child sexual abuse, in partnership with the European Barnahus/Child Houses and the PROMISE Barnahus network.
You can read a summary of children and young people’s feedback here*.
Advice and support for parents and carers
Young people have also created an animation for parents and carers to understand how they can keep children safe online.
Further support and advice

Keeping your child safe online
Advice for parents

The online world
Advice and resources to keep your child safe online

Support line
Practical and emotional support for you and your family