Our board of trustees and executive leadership team at Children First are passionate about protecting all Scotland’s children from harm and supporting them to recover from trauma and abuse.

Joy Barlow
Interim Chair

Rosemary McGinness
Interim Vice-Chair

Brian Davidson
Honorary Treasurer

Anne Hughes

Melissa Rutherford
Honorary Law Agent

Paul Embleton

Farah Mohammed
Malcolm Graham

Lloyd Gwishiri
Executive Leadership Team

Mary Glasgow
Chief Executive
Mary Glasgow is Chief Executive of Children First. She joined the charity in 2014 as Director of Children and Family Services and External Affairs, before becoming Chief Executive in 2017.

Linda Jardine
Director of Children and Family Services
Linda is a social worker with over 30 years’ experience in the statutory, third and independent sectors. Linda has a history of leading children and family teams and services with a strong purpose and a compassionate value base at its heart.

Michelle Supple
Director of Fundraising, Marketing & Communications
Joining the charity in October 2023, Michelle’s role is responsible for overseeing the fundraising, marketing and communications teams.

Jennifer Allan
Director of People and Culture
As the Director of People and Culture at Children First Jen brings over two decades of experience in both HR and the charity sector.

Mairi McReynolds
Director of Finance and Corporate Services
Mairi is a qualified accountant with over 25 years of experience in the voluntary sector.
Together we give children hope and a safer, brighter, future.