Fair Work First Statement
Children First’s organisational policies highlight our commitment to fair and inclusive work practices for all staff and volunteers.
Children First works with our recognised Trade Union Partner Unite the Union to ensure that those who work for us are engaged in work with us that meets with the principles of the fair work criteria.
Pay of at least the Living Wage in line with figures from the Living Wage Foundation.
Review pay periodically to ensure that staff receive a fair pay for the work that they do.
Maintain the Job Evaluation Scheme to ensure that all staff receive equal pay for equal work.
Consult with our employees through relevant forums including engaging with our Trade Union Partners, Unite the Union.
Hold regular sessions for all staff to allow two way communication, the sharing of best practice and highlighting achievements.
Invest in developing our workforce.
Provide an appropriate induction for new staff.
Ensure pathways for individual and professional development through access to learning and development internally and externally.
Use sessional contract sparingly where they meet individual and business needs, and regularly review these arrangements to ensure that they remain the most appropriate method of engagement for these workers.
Never engage people on a sessional contract to cover where an employment contract is more appropriate.
Appropriate use of short term, fixed term and permanent contracts to give our people certainty around their future.
Report, monitor and take action on the gender pay gap.
Support and maintain a variety of working and delivery groups internally to support Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Review recruitment and employment statistics to ensure that our workforce represents the communities that we serve.
Offer flexibility from commencement of employment in how and where our people carry out their duties in line with providing the best support to the children and families we work with and providing multiple methods and approaches for our people to collaborate and feel supported in their work.
Encourage the adoption of team charters to support employee wellbeing by giving teams a say in how they deliver the work that they do.
Always follow a consultation and negotiation approach.
Never engage in a fire and rehire approach.