Here you will find topic specific advice and information on areas around wellbeing and protection. There are also resources and publications that will be useful to anyone looking for further information on keeping children and young people safer in sport.
Wellbeing and protection advice from Children First support line
Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport publications
- Online coaching and social media during coronavirus
- Grooming in sport
- Responding to adult disclosures of childhood sexual abuse
- Good practice report: “Giving Children a Say”
- Parent's guide to finding a safe sports club
Video and audio resources
- NES 'Ask, Tell' mental health animations: Save a life: Every life matters, Have a healthy conversation, Look after your mental health
- My Magic Sport Kit
Government guidance and information
- Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - (
- National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 (
- It’s Everyone’s Job to Make Sure I’m Alright: Report of the Child Protection Audit and Review
- The Promise
Useful links and organisations
- sportscotland
- Volunteer Scotland Disclosure Services (VSDS)
- Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland
- Disclosure Scotland
- Respectme